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to The Members Portal

This page provides a source of accurate and reliable answers to questions about your membership, while providing some useful tools to help answer all those questions.


If you are unable to find the answer to your question on this page, please CONTACT US

Fitness Program

1st Fitness program only - $0.00

To be taken though the fitness program - $45.00


Updated Fitness Program

2nd Fitness program only - $35.00

Fitness program and to be taken through it - $55.00 

Membership Suspension Form

Please fill out the Suspension form if you would like to suspend your membership for up to 6 weeks, if you think you will need longer than that, then please contact us.

*It is $5.00 per week to susped your membership, and also please be aware that if you are in a lock in membership that the suspension time will add to the length of your lock in period.

24/7 Access Tag

If you lose or misplace your 24/7 Access tag, please come in to the gym for a new one. It is $25.00 to replace.

Feed Back form

We are always trying to update, upgrade and look after our members needs and want's. However we can't do this if we don't know how our members are feeling about the gym so we would really appreciate your feed back. Please fill out the Feedback form to help us help you.


Please read these T&C's to get an understanding of what is required of you as  a member of Momentum Fitness Warrnambool. We are a family owned business and rely on our members to always do the right thing for not just us, but for their fellow members to be able to train in a motivating and happy environment.


Contact Debitsuccess with any issues regarding your payments on the below number, by quoting your membership number if possible.

Member Profile

At the first of every month we post up on our social media pages about the goals and achievements that one of our members have made since starting their fitness journey. If you would like to be apart of this please Fill out this Form

Cancelling your membership

We are always sorry to see members leave but we totally understand. Priorities change with different lifestyle changes and life can throw things at us that are unexpected. These can impact on our health and fitness either in a good way or a bad way. But please be aware that you can suspend your membership for up to 6 weeks if this is an option that would suit better.

If cancelling your membership is still your best option, then it is gym policy that the cancellation form be signed in person at the facility, and all overdue payments and or cancellation fees (depending on your membership) must be paid before the membership is cancelled down.

"Your mental health is everything. Prioritise it, make the time like your life depends on it. Because it does"

Copyright © 2017 Momentum Fitness Warrnambool   I   Wellness Hub Warrnambool  I  Dragonfly Coffee & Juice Bar

Active Abode Pty Ltd ABN: 50669706134 . All Rights Reserved

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